Package net.sf.jfxdplugin

Provides the classes necessary to execute the Javafxdoc tool on the supplied source files.


Class Summary
AbstractJavafxdocMojo Base class for the Javafxdoc mojo.
HelpMojo Display help information on maven-javafxdoc-plugin.
JavafxdocJar Bundles the Javafxdoc documentation for the JavaFX code in a NON aggregator project into a jar using the standard Javafxdoc tool.
JavafxdocReport Generates documentation for the JavaFX code in a NON aggregator project using the standard Javafxdoc Tool.

Package net.sf.jfxdplugin Description

Provides the classes necessary to execute the Javafxdoc tool on the supplied source files. The following tables list all of the Javafxdoc and doclet options supported since JavaFX 1.2.

Standard Javafxdoc Options

The follow table is a complete list of the standard Javafxdoc options and their equivalent in the Maven Javafxdoc Plugin.

Javafxdoc Option Since Maven Javafxdoc Plugin Option
-overview <file> 1.2 Not supported (standard doclet does not generate this information)
-public 1.2 show
-protected 1.2 show
-package 1.2 show
-private 1.2 show
-help 1.2 Not supported (gives the usage information for javafxdoc then quits)
-doclet <class> 1.2 doclet
-docletpath <path> 1.2 docletPath
-sourcepath <pathlist> 1.2 sourcePath
-classpath <pathlist> 1.2 Built from project information
-exclude <pkglist> 1.2 excludePackageNames
-subpackages <subpkglist> 1.2 subpackages
-breakiterator 1.2 breakiterator
-bootclasspath <pathlist> 1.2 bootclasspath
-source <release> 1.2 source
-extdirs <dirlist> 1.2 extdirs
-verbose 1.2 verbose
-locale <name> 1.2 locale
-encoding <name> 1.2 encoding
-quiet 1.2 quiet
-J<flag> 1.2 additionalJOptions

Standard Doclet Options

The follow table is a complete list of the standard doclet options and their equivalent in the Maven Javafxdoc Plugin.

Doclet Option Since Maven Javafxdoc Plugin Option
-o <file> 1.2 outputFile
-version 1.2 Not supported (gives the Javafxdoc version and quits, instead of generating @version information)
-author 1.2 Not supported (standard doclet does not generate this information)
-nosince 1.2 Not supported (standard doclet does not generate this information)
-nodeprecated 1.2 Not supported (standard doclet does not generate this information)
-nohtml 1.2 nohtml
-xsltfile <file> 1.2 xsltfile
-mastercss <file> 1.2 mastercss
-extracss <file> 1.2 extracss
-extrajs <file> 1.2 extrajs
-extrajs2 <file> 1.2 Not supported (standard doclet does not generate this information)
-xsl: 1.2 additionalXslOptions
-d <directory> 1.2 outputDirectory
-i <file> 1.2 inputFiles


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